4Greatest Hits-Alben / Compilations
= 324 Tracks
Monty Python - alle Songs anzeigen

Monty Python1970:
Monty Python's Flying Circus -
Monty Python

  1. Flying Sheep
  2. Television Interviews - Arthur Frampton
  3. Trade Description Act - Whizzo Chocolates
  4. Nudge, Nudge
  5. The Mouse Problem
  6. Buying A Bed
  7. Interesting People
  8. The Barber - Lumberjack Song
  9. Interviews - Sir Edward Ross
10. Arthur 'two Sheds' Jackson
11. Children's Stories
12. The Visitors
13. The North Minehead By
14. The Cinema - Albatross
15. Me Doctor
16. Pet Shop (Dead Parrot)
17. Self

Another Monty Python Record - Monty Python1971:
Another Monty Python Record -
Monty Python

  1. Apologies
  2. Spanish Inquisition
  3. World Forum
  4. Gumby Theatre, Etc.
  5. The Architect
  6. The Piranha Brothers
  7. Death Of Mary, Queen Of Scots
  8. Penguin On The TV
  9. Comfy Chair - Sound Quiz
10. Be A Great Actor - Theatre Critic
11. Royal Festival Hall Concert
12. Spam
13. The Judges - Stake Your Claim
14. Still No Sign Of Land (Lifeboat) - Undertaker


Monty Python1972:
Monty Python's Previous Record -
Monty Python

  1. Embarrassment - Book At Bedtime
  2. Dennis Moore
  3. Money Programme
  4. Dennis Moore Continues
  5. Australian Table Wines
  6. Argument Clinic
  7. Putting Budgies Down
  8. Eric The Half-A-Bee
  9. Travel Agency
10. Radio Quiz Game
11. A Massage - Silly Noises Quiz
12. Miss Anne Elk
13. We Love The Yangtse
14. How-To-Do-It Lessons
15. A Minute Passed
16. Eclipse Of The Sun
17. Alistair Cooke
18. Wonderful World Of Sounds
19. The Tale Of Happy Valley

The Monty Python Matching Tie And Handkerchief - Monty Python1973:
The Monty Python Matching Tie And Handkerchief -
Monty Python

  1. Church Police
  2. Elephantoplasty
  3. Novel Writing
  4. Word Association
  5. Bruces - Philosopher's Song
  6. The Adventures Of Ralph Mellish
  7. Cheese Shop Sketch
  8. Wasp Club - Tiger Talk
  9. Great Actors
10. The Background To History
11. First World War Noises
12. Boxing Tonight (Fight Of The Century)
13. Minister For Overseas Development
14. Oscar Wilde And Friends
15. Buying A Cat
16. Phone-In


The Album Of The Soundtrack Of The Trailer Of The Film Of Monty Python And The Holy Grail - Monty Python1975:
The Album Of The Soundtrack Of The Trailer Of The Film Of Monty Python And The Holy Grail -
Monty Python

  1. Introduction To The Executive Album Edition
  2. Tour Of The Classic Silbury Hill Theatre
  3. Live Broadcast From London: Premiere Of The Film
  4. Narration From The Silbury Hill Gentlemen's Room - You're Using Coconuts
  5. Bring Out Your Dead
  6. King Arthur And The Old Woman: A Lesson In Anarcho-Syndicated Commune Living
  7. A Witch
  8. A Lesson In Logic
  9. Knights Of The Round Table
10. The Quest For The Holy Grail
11. Live From The Parking Lot At The Silbury Hill Theatre
12. The Castle Of Louis De Lombard: A Strange Person
13. Bomb Scare
14. Executive Album Edition Announcement
15. Another Executive Album Edition Announcement
16. The Story Of The Film So Far
17. The Tale Of Sir Robin
18. The Knights Who Say Ni
19. Interview With Filmmaker Carl French
20. The Tale Of Sir Lancelot: At Swamp Castle
21. Tim The Enchanter - A Shakespearean Critique
22. A Foul-Tempered Rabbit
23. The Bridge Of Death (Bonus Track)
24. Executive Album Edition Addendum
25. The Castle Aaargh - The End

Life Of Brian (Original Soundtrack) - Monty Python1979:
Life Of Brian (Original Soundtrack) -
Monty Python

  1. Introduction
  2. Brian Song
  3. Three Wise Men
  4. Brian Song (Continued)
  5. Sermon On The Mount (Big Nose)
  6. Harry The Haggler
  7. Stoning
  8. Ex-Leper
  9. You Mean You Were Raped (Nortius Maximus)
10. Link
11. In The Amphitheatre (Loretta)
12. Short Link
13. Romans Go Home
14. Missing Link
15. Revolutionary Meeting
16. Very Good Link - Ben
17. Audience With Pilate
18. Meanwhile
19. The Prophets
20. Beard Salesman
21. Lobster Link
22. Brian's Prophecy
23. Lobster Link Ii
24. The Hermit (Simon The Holy Man)
25. He's Not The Messiah
26. Sex Link
27. He's A Very Naughty Boy
28. Lighter Link
29. Pilate Sentences Brian
30. Nisus Wettus
31. Pilate With The Crowd (Welease Woger)
32. Nisus Wettus With The Jailers
33. Release Brian
34. Not So Bad Once You're Up
35. Reg Salutes Brian
36. Cheeky Is Released
37. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
38. Closing


Contractual Obligation Album - Monty Python1980:
Contractual Obligation Album -
Monty Python

  1. Sit On My Face
  2. Announcement
  3. Henry Kissinger
  4. String
  5. Never Be Rude To An Arab
  6. I Like Chinese
  7. Bishop
  8. Medical Love Song
  9. Farewell To John Denver
10. Finland
11. I'm So Worried
12. End Of Side 1 Announcement
13. I Bet You They Won't Play This Song On The Radio
14. Martyrdom Of St. Victor
15. Here Comes Another One
16. Bookshop
17. Do What John
18. Rock Notes
19. Muddy Knees
20. Crocodile
21. Decomposing Composers
22. Bells
23. Traffic Lights
24. All Things Dull And Ugly
25. A Scottish Farewell

The Meaning Of Life - Monty Python1983:
The Meaning Of Life -
Monty Python

  1. Introduction - Fish Introduction - The Meaning Of Life
  2. Birth - Frying Eggs
  3. Every Sperm Is Sacred - Protestant Couple - Adventures Of Martin Luther
  4. Sex Education
  5. Trench Warfare - The Great Tea Of 1914-18 - Fish
  6. Terry Gilliam's Intro - Accountancy Shanty - Zulu Wars
  7. The Dungeon Restaurant - Live Organ Transplants - The Galaxy Song
  8. The Penis Song (Not The Noël Coward Song) - Mr. Creosote
  9. The Grim Reaper - Christmas In Heaven
10. Dedication (To Fish)



The Monty Python Instant Record Collection - Monty Python1977:
The Monty Python Instant Record Collection -
Monty Python

  1. Introductions
  2. Alistair Cooke
  3. Nudge, Nudge
  4. Mrs. Nigger-Baiter
  5. Constitutional Peasants
  6. Fish Licence - Eric The Half A Bee
  7. Australian Table Wines
  8. Silly Noises
  9. Novel Writing
10. Elephantoplasty
11. How To Do It
12. Gumby Cherry Orchard
13. Oscar Wilde
14. Introduction
15. Argument
16. French Taunter
17. Summarise Proust Competition
18. Cheese Emporium
19. Funerals At Prestatyn
20. Camelot
21. Word Association
22. Bruces
23. Parrot
24. Monty Python Theme

The Final Rip Off - Monty Python1988:
The Final Rip Off -
Monty Python

  1. Introduction
  2. Constitutional Peasants
  3. Fish License
  4. Eric The Half-A-Bee Song
  5. Finland Song
  6. Travel Agent
  7. Are You Embarrassed Easily
  8. Australian Table Wines
  9. Argument
10. Henry Kissinger Song
11. Parrot (Oh, Not Again)
12. Sit On My Face
13. Undertaker
14. Novel Writing
15. String
16. Bells
17. Traffic Lights
18. Cocktail Bar
19. Four Yorkshiremen
20. Election Special
21. Lumberjack Song
22. I Like Chinese
23. Spanish Inquisition, Pt. 1
24. Cheese Shop
25. Cherry Orchard
26. Architects' Sketch
27. Spanish Inquisition, Pt. 2
28. Spam
29. Spanish Inquisition, Pt. 3
30. Comfy Chair
31. Famous Person Quiz
32. You Be The Actor
33. Nudge, Nudge
34. Cannibalism
35. Spanish Inquisition Revisited
36. I Bet You They Won't Play This Song On The Radio
37. Bruces
38. Bookshop
39. Do Wot John
40. Rock Notes
41. I'm So Worried
42. Crocodile
43. French Taunter, Pt. 1
44. Marilyn Monroe
45. Swamp Castle
46. French Taunter, Pt. 2
47. Last Word


Monty Python Sings - Monty Python1989:
Monty Python Sings -
Monty Python

  1. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
  2. Sit On My Face
  3. Lumberjack Song
  4. Penis Song (Not The Noel Coward Song)
  5. Oliver Cromwell
  6. Money Song
  7. Accountancy Shanty
  8. Finland
  9. Medical Love Song
10. I'm So Worried
11. Every Sperm Is Sacred
12. Never Be Rude To An Arab
13. I Like Chinese
14. Eric The Half-A-Bee
15. Brian Song
16. The Bruces' Philosophers Song
17. The Meaning Of Life
18. Knights Of The Round Table (Camelot Song)
19. All Things Dull And Ugly
20. Decomposing Composers
21. Henry Kissinger
22. I've Got Two Legs
23. It's Christmas In Heaven
24. Galaxy Song
25. Spam Song

The Ultimate Monty Python Rip Off - Monty Python1994:
The Ultimate Monty Python Rip Off -
Monty Python

  1. Introduction
  2. Finland
  3. Travel Agent
  4. I Like Chinese
  5. French Taunter
  6. Australian Table Wines
  7. Spanish Inquisition
  8. The Galaxy Song
  9. Every Sperm Is Sacred
10. Grim Reaper
11. Sit On My Face
12. Argument
13. Death Of Mary, Queen Of Scots
14. Four Yorkshiremen
15. Lumberjack Song
16. Albatross
17. Nudge, Nudge
18. Parrot
19. Bruces - Philosophers' Song
20. Fish Licence
21. Eric The Half-A-Bee
22. The Spam Song
23. Big Nose
24. Stoning
25. Link 1
26. Welease Woger
27. Link 2
28. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
29. Spanish Inquisition (Ending)



Monty Python Live At Drury Lane - Monty Python1974:
Monty Python Live At Drury Lane -
Monty Python

  1. Introduction - Llamas (live)
  2. Gumby Flower Arranging (live)
  3. Secret Service (live)
  4. Wrestling (live)
  5. Communist Quiz (live)
  6. Idiot Song (live)
  7. Albatross - The Colonel (live)
  8. Nudge, Nudge - Cocktail Bar (live)
  9. Travel Agent (live)
10. Spot The Brain Cell (live)
11. Bruces (live)
12. Argument (live)
13. I've Got Two Legs (live)
14. Four Yorkshiremen (live)
15. Election Special (live)
16. Lumberjack Song (live)
17. Dead Parrot (live)

Live! At City Center - Monty Python1976:
Live! At City Center -
Monty Python

  1. Introduction - Llama (live)
  2. Gumby Flower Arranging (live)
  3. Short Blues by Neil Innes (live)
  4. Wrestling (live)
  5. World Forum (live)
  6. Albatross - Colonel Stopping It (live)
  7. Nudge, Nudge (live)
  8. Crunchy Frog (live)
  9. Bruces Song (live)
10. Travel Agent (live)
11. Camp Judges - Blackmail (live)
12. Protest Song by Neil Innes (live)
13. Pet Shop (live)
14. Four Yorkshiremen (live)
15. Argument Clinic (live)
16. Death Of Mary, Queen Of Scots (live)
17. Salvation Fuzz - Church Police (live)
18. Lumberjack Song (live)


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