2002: | Castaways And Cutouts - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. Leslie Anne Levine 2. Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect 3. July, July 4. A Cautionary Song 5. Odalisque 6. Cocoon 7. Grace Cathedral Hill 8. The Legionnaire's Lament 9. Clementine 10. California One - Youth And Beauty Brigade
2003: | Her Majesty, The Decemberists - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. Shanty For The Arethusa 2. Billy Liar 3. Los Angeles, I'm Yours 4. The Gymnast, High Above The Ground 5. The Bachelor And The Bride 6. Song For Myla Goldberg 7. The Soldiering Life 8. Red Right Ankle 9. The Chimbley Sweep 10. I Was Meant For The Stage 11. As I Rise
2005: | Picaresque - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. The Infanta 2. We Both Go Down Together 3. Eli, The Barrow Boy 4. The Sporting Life 5. The Bagman's Gambit 6. From My Own True Love (Lost At Sea) 7. Sixteen Military Wives 8. The Engine Driver 9. On The Bus Mall 10. The Mariner's Revenge Song 11. Of Angels And Angles
2006: | The Crane Wife - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. The Crane Wife 3 2. The Island 3. Come And See 4. The Landlord's Daughter 5. You'll Not Feel The Drowning 6. Yankee Bayonet (I Will Be Home Then) (+ Laura Veirs) 7. O Valencia 8. The Perfect Crime #2 9. When The War Came 10. Shankill Butchers 11. Summersong 12. The Crane Wife 1 + 2 13. Sons And Daughters
2009: | The Hazards Of Love - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. Prelude (Jenny Conlee) 2. The Hazards Of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won't Wrestle The Thistles Undone) 3. A Bower Scene 4. Won't Want For Love (Margaret In The Taiga) 5. The Hazards Of Love 2 (Wager All) 6. The Queen's Approach 7. Isn't It A Lovely Night 8. The Wanting Comes In Waves - Repaid 9. An Interlude 10. The Rake's Song 11. The Abduction Of Margaret 12. The Queen's Rebuke - The Crossing 13. Annan Water 14. Margaret In Captivity 15. The Hazards Of Love 3 (Revenge) 16. The Wanting Comes In Waves (Reprise) 17. The Hazards Of Love 4 (The Drowned)
2011: | The King Is Dead - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. Don't Carry It All 2. Calamity Song 3. Rise To Me 4. Rox In The Box 5. January Hymn 6. Down By The Water 7. All Arise 8. June Hymn 9. This Is Why We Fight 10. Dear Avery
2015: | What A Terrible World, What A Beautiful World - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. The Singer Addresses His Audience 2. Cavalry Captain 3. Philomena 4. Make You Better 5. Lake Song 6. Till The Water?s All Long Gone 7. The Wrong Year 8. Carolina Low 9. Better Not Wake the Baby 10. Anti-Summersong 11. Easy Come, Easy Go 12. Mistral 13. 12 - 17 - 12 14. A Beginning Song
2018: | I'll Be Your Girl - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. Once In My Life 2. Cutting Stone 3. Severed 4. Starwatcher 5. Tripping Along 6. Your Ghost 7. Everything Is Awful 8. Sucker's Prayer 9. We All Die Young 10. Rusalka, Rusalka - The Wild Rushes 11. I'll Be Your Girl
2024: | As It Ever Was, So It Will Be Again - Decemberists Tracklisting: 1. Burial Ground 2. Oh No! 3. The Reapers 4. Long White Veil 5. William Fitzwilliam 6. Don't Go To The Woods 7. The Black Maria 8. All I Want Is You 9. Born To The Morning 10. America Made Me 11. Tell Me What's On Your Mind 12. Never Satisfied 13. Joan In The Garden
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